Information about Birds of India
Tits: Tits are insectivores and feed on small insects and other invertebrates like caterpillars on tree leaves along side they also consume seeds.
There are 21 variety of Tits recorded in India and most them are found in Lower-Mid Himalayan Ranges except Great Tit which are common sight in Nilgiri range.
Tits build their nests in cavity usually a hole in tree branch. These cavities are either made by woodpeckers or mostly a natural cavity.
The Great Tit is the most common and distinctive bird from this family, with a black head and neck, white cheeks which is prominent.
Buntings and Weaver: Buntings have most things common to Sparrows and also found in groups. The females in most species look similar whereas males are different and have names based on their colour of head or upper body part. They are usually found in open forests and also around fields on the other hand Weavers are known for their nesting capability using they make beautiful hanging nests.
List of Tit, Bunting, Weaver and WheatEar