Bushchat: The bush chat is a resident bird in Indian subcontinent. They are found in open habitats including scrub, grassland, cultivation and open forests. Some migrate small distances and are mostly bi-coloured,  Chats also known as small thrushes also as considered flycatcher because they have similar features and characteristics. 

Their name ‘CHAT’ attached because of their nature of ground feeding like having chat with the ground.

Male and females have different colours and like all other species, male have darker against lighter/dull colours in females. Stonechat is a little smaller than a robin with similar colours and has relatively bigger head and short tail. It can frequently be seen sitting on the top of bushes, flicking its wings and making a call like two small stones being hit together. Stonechats inhabit heaths, bogs and conifer plantations. They eat invertebrates, seeds and fruit and berries.

Warbler and Prinia is a genus of small insectivorous birds having similar features. Warblers are brighter in colour than prinias. 

These are birds mainly of open habitats such as long grass or scrub, in which they are not easily seen. They are mainly resident, migration being limited to local cold weather movements. Non-breeding birds may form small flocks.

Prinias have short wings but long tapering tails. They are fairly drab birds, brown or grey above sometimes with dark streaks and whitish below. Some species have different breeding and non-breeding plumages. The bill is a typical insectivore’s, thin and slightly curved.

A common Prinia also called Ashy Prinia is likely to occur in all habitats except for woodlands with a thick canopy. All birds have a black bill, pale cinnamon underparts, a gray head, and a grayish-brown back. Nonbreeding birds acquire a short eyebrow and a longer tail. There is a marked variation in plumage tones in various parts of its range. It usually sticks to the undergrowth and shrubbery, though individuals often sing from a higher perch such as wires. Usually occurring in ones and twos, and it can be quite bold and fearless. It has a loud ringing song that is given year-round and a plain nasal call.

List of Chats and Prinias in India

Bird NameFamily NameRecord Location and StatusPreview
Grey BushchatBushchatNorth India, Himalayas
Hodgson's BushchatBushchat
Jerdon's BushchatBushchatUttaranchal
Pied BushchatBushchatNorth India, Himalayas
Stoliczka's BushchatBushchat
Ashy PriniaPriniaNorth India
Graceful PriniaPrinia
Grey breasted PriniaPrinia
Grey crowned PriniaPrinia
Hill PriniaPrinia
Jungle PriniaPriniaNorth India
Plain PriniaPrinia
Rufescent PriniaPrinia
Rufous fronted PriniaPriniaNorth India
Rufous vented PriniaPrinia
Striated PriniaPrinia
Yellow bellied PriniaPriniaNorth India
Brown RockchatRockchatNorth India
Common StonechatStonechatNorth India
White tailed StonechatStonechatNorth India
Aberrant Bush WarblerWarblerJhaltola, Uttaranchal
Arctic WarblerWarblerNo Confirmed Status or Dubious
Asht throated WarblerWarbler
Barred WarblerWarblerNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Black browed Reed WarblerWarbler
Black faced WarblerWarbler
Blunt winged WarblerWarbler
Blyth's Leaf WarblerWarbler
Blyth's Reed WarblerWarblerNo Confirmed Status or Dubious
Booted WarblerWarbler
Broad billed WarblerWarblerNo Confirmed Status or Dubious
Brooks's Leaf WarblerWarbler
Brown Bush WarblerWarbler
Brownish flanked Bush WarblerWarbler
Buff barred WarblerWarbler
Buff throated WarblerWarbler
Cetti's Bush WarblerWarbler
Chestnut crowned Bush WarblerWarbler
Chestnut crowned WarblerWarbler
Chinese Bush WarblerWarblerNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Chinese Leaf WarblerWarblerNo Confirmed Status or Dubious
Clamorous Reed WarblerWarbler
Crested Tit WarblerWarbler
Desert WarblerWarbler
Dusky WarblerWarbler
Eastern crowned WarblerWarbler
Eurasian Reed WarblerWarblerNo Confirmed Status or Dubious
Golden spectacled WarblerWarbler
Garden WarblerWarblerNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Grasshopper WarblerWarbler
Great Reed WarblerWarblerNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Greenish WarblerWarbler
Grey cheeked WarblerWarbler
Grey hooded WarblerWarblerUttaranchal
Grey sided Bush WarblerWarbler
Hume's WarblerWarbler
Japnanese Bush WarblerWarblerNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Lanceolated WarblerWarbler
Large bellied Leaf WarblerWarbler
Large billed Reed WarblerWarblerNo Confirmed Status or Dubious
Lemon rumped WarblerWarbler
Long billed Bush WarblerWarbler
Menetries WarblerWarbler
Moustached WarblerWarbler
Olivaceous WarblerWarblerNot Recorded in India
Oriental Reed WarblerWarblerNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Orphean WarblerWarbler
Paddyfield WarblerWarbler
Pale footed Bush WarblerWarbler
Pale legged Leaf WarblerWarblerNo Confirmed Status or Dubious
Plain leaf WarblerWarbler
Radde's WarblerWarblerNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Rufous faced WarblerWarbler
Russet Bush WarblerWarbler
Rusty rumped WarblerWarbler
Sedge WarblerWarblerNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Smoky WarblerWarblerNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Spotted Bush WarblerWarbler
Srilanka Bush WarblerWarbler
Streaked Scrub WarblerWarbler
Sulphur bellied WarblerWarbler
Thick billed WarblerWarbler
Tickell's Leaf WarblerWarbler
Tytler's Leaf WarblerWarbler
Upcher's WarblerWarbler
Western crowned WarblerWarbler
White browed Tit WarblerWarbler
White spectacled WarblerWarbler
Willow WarblerWarblerNo Confirmed Status or Dubious
Yellow bellied Bush WarblerWarbler
Yellow bellied WarblerWarbler
Yellow browed WarblerWarbler
Yellow streaked WarblerWarblerNot Recorded in India
Yellow vented WarblerWarbler