Eagles are large, powerful and have wide wingspan among all raptors. Even the smaller eagles like Hawk Eagle and Small Serpent Eagle have beak and wings longer than other accipiters. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors except most vultures. Their broad and heavy beak is extremely powerful to tear the flesh of their prey.
Eagles nests are called eyries and are made on high cliffs.
Golden Eagle ( गरुड़ ) are lasgest among all raptors and are found in high Himalayan range.
whereas, Vultures are scavenging raptors and their population in India is downfall and few have even gone extinct. (in my childhood we use to see Vultures very often clearing dead animals carcass but are hardly found now)
Lammergeier also called bearded Vulture are found in high Himalayan ranges and are famous for an intelligent habit of dropping bones from height on rocks and feeding on bone marrow.