Bulbul : Bulbuls are mid-sized tree birds and have some common species which can be seen around human settlements. They eat a wide range of foods, ranging from fruit to seeds, nectar, small insects and small vertebrates.

Red vented Bulbul (as in right picture) are the most common in India, whereas Red-whiskered and White-eared can also be seen quite often.

Similarly Himalayan Bulbul is the most common in entire range and White browed are common in southern part.

List of Bulbuls in India

Bird NameFamily NameRecord Location and StatusPreview
Ashy BulbulBulbul
Black BulbulBulbul
Black crested BulbulBulbulHimachal,Narkanda
Black headed BulbulBulbul
Flavescent BulbulBulbul
Grey headed BulbulBulbul
Himalayan BulbulBulbulUttaranchal, Himachal
Mountain BulbulBulbulJhaltola, Uttaranchal
Nicobar BulbulBulbul
Olive BulbulBulbul
Red vented BulbulBulbulAlmost Entire India
Red whiskered BulbulBulbulUttaranchal, Himachal
Striated BulbulBulbul
White browed BulbulBulbul
White eared BulbulBulbulUttaranchal, Himachal
White throated BulbulBulbul
Yellow browed BulbulBulbulUttaranchal, Himachal
Yellow eared BulbulBulbul
Yellow throated BulbulBulbul

Shrike : 

The shrike is a family of small birds that are surprisingly lethal predators unlike raptors they do hunt small prey with ferocious tenacity.

The unique feature by which they can be easily identified is their beaks are hooked at the tip.

Flying insects, bees, small aquatic creatures are their main source. The are even called “butcherbirds” because of their hunting prowess. Some species are migratory like Rufous tailed, Brown and Grey-backed Shrike rest all are resident

List of Shrikes in India

Bird NameFamily NameRecord Location and StatusPreview
Bar winged Flycatcher ShrikeShrike
Bay backed ShrikeShrikeRanthambhore
Brown ShrikeShrikeBharatpur
Burmese ShrikeShrikeNot Recorded in India
Great Grey ShrikeShrikeNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Grey backed ShrikeShrike
Lesser Grey ShrikeShrikeNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Long tailed ShrikeShrikeNorth India
Red backed ShrikeShrike
Rufous tailed ShrikeShrike
Southern Grey ShrikeShrike
Woodchat ShrikeShrike
Common WoodshrikeWoodshrikeRanthambhore
Large WoodshrikeWoodshrike

Wagtail  As name suggests, Wagtails are small birds with a vertical wagging tail, they can be broadly classified into 2 categories, White and Yellow on the basis of their plumage. They are mostly of combination yellow, white, black and grey and are called ‘Yellow wagtail” on the other hand with combination of white, black and grey ones are called “White Wagtail”. their are nomenclatures are also based on the colour on specific part of their body. Both varieties are common and can be seen very eaisly.

Starling / Myna : Both these variety are medium sized dark coloured bird. Common Myna is one of the most common bird alongside house crow in India. Asian pied Starling and Brahminy Starling are also very common sight and can be seen around human settlements as well.


List of Myna, starling and Wagtails in India

Bird NameFamily NameRecord Location and StatusPreview
Bank MynaMyna
Collared MynaMyna
Common Hill MynaMyna
Common MynaMynaAll India
Golden-crested MynaMynaNo Confirmed Status or Dubious
Great MynaMyna
Jungle MynaMynaAll India
Southern Hill MynaMynaKabini, Nagarhole
Sri Lanka Hill MynaMyna
Asian Glossy StarlingStarling
Asian Pied StarlingStarlingNorth India
Brahminy StarlingStarlingNorth India
Chestnut tailed StarlingStarling
Common StarlingStarlingSultanpur Fields
Purple backed StarlingStarlingNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Rosy StarlingStarling
Spot winged StarlingStarlingNorth India
White faced StarlingStarling
White headed StarlingStarling
White shouldered StarlingStarlingNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
Black backed WagtailWagtail
Citrine WagtailWagtailNorth India
Forest WagtailWagtail
Grey backed WagtailWagtail
Grey WagtailWagtailNorth India
White browed WagtailWagtailNorth India
White WagtailWagtailNorth India
Yellow WagtailWagtailNorth India

Magpie / TreepieA long tailed bird from the family of crows but considered as an intelligent bird in the context of adaptability. Treepies are from same variety with slightly shorter tail. Rufous Treepies are found almost all across India except for higher altitude, is where Yellow and Red billed Magpies are found along side Grey Treepie.

They are usually found in groups and well known for their cracky voice which is very similar to some babblers and crow. red billed-Blue Magpie has the longest tail amongst.

Robin / Roller : Indian Robin and Roller are also very common mid-sized bird found across scrubs and open forests. Typically Robins are known for their upward tail. Oriental Magpie Robin and Indian Robin are very common sight across India. On the other hand Rollers are are an adaptive bird and also holds reasonable cultural values in traditions. ( नील कंठ ) is the name by which they are known. European Roller is also found in India but is a migratory bird fond in parts of Rajasthan and Haryana.

List of Magpie, Treepie Robin, Blackbird and Jay in India

Bird NameFamily NameRecord Location and StatusPreview
Eurasian BlackbirdBlackbirdCorbett, Uttaranchal
Grey winged BlackbirdBlackbirdPangot, Uttaranchal, Corbett
White collared BlackbirdBlackbird
Black headed JayJayUttaranchal, Himachal
Eurasian JayJay
Black billed MagpieMagpieNorth Kashmir
Common Green MagpieMagpie
Red billed Blue MagpieMagpieUttaranchal, Himachal
Sri Lanka Blue MagpieMagpie
Yellow billed Blue MagpieMagpieUttaranchal, Himachal
Blue fronted RobinRobinNo Confirmed Status or Dubious
Golden Bush RobinRobin
Indian Blue RobinRobin
Indian RobinRobinNorth India
Orange flanked Bush RobinRobin
Oriental Magpie RobinRobinNorth India
Rufous breasted Bush RobinRobin
Rufous tailed Scrub RobinRobin
Siberian Blue RobinRobin
White browed Bush RobinRobin
White tailed RobinRobin
White throated RobinRobinNot Recorded in India
European RollerRoller
Indian RollerRollerEntire North India
Andaman TreepieTreepie
Collared TreepieTreepie
Grey TreepieTreepieChakrata, Uttaranchal
Rufous TreepieTreepieNorth India
White bellied TreepieTreepie