Duck Swan Goose

Duck as commonly called is a family of several species in their family including swans, teal, pochards, geese etc. Ducks are medium sized aquatic birds, except swans and geese who are relatively bigger in size. All may be found in fresh water and sometimes in sea water as well.

Names in this category as a family [ Duck, Gadwall, Garganey, Goldeneye, Goose, Grebe, Mallard, Merganser, Pintail, Pochard, Shoveler, Swan, Teal and Wigeon ]

Ducks feed on variety of food sources such as aquatic plants, fish, water insects, small frogs, small amphibians etc. Their feet is designed to swim and feathers to resist wetting, their flat beaks helps them in mud probing and weeding jobs. All can fly long distances and infact bar headed Goose are among high altitude flyers.

Most are migratory except for few such as Spot billed Duck and Whistling Duck; they migrate in both seasons and travel long distances.

SlNoBird NameFamily NameRecord Location and StatusPreview
199Comb DuckDuckBharatpur
200Falcated DuckDuck
201Fulvous Whistling DuckDuck
202Lesser whistling DuckDuckBharatpur
203Long tailed DuckDuckNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
204Marbled DuckDuck
205Mundarin DuckDuckNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
206Pink headed DuckDuckExtinct
207Spot billed DuckDuckEntire North India
208Tufted DuckDuck
209White headed DuckDuck
210White winged DuckDuck
342GadwallGadwallEntire North India
347Common GoldeneyeGoldeneye
349Bar headed GooseGooseBharatpur, Sultanpur
350Bean GooseGooseNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
351Cotton Pygmy GooseGoose0
352Greater white fronted GooseGoose0
353Greylag GooseGooseBharatpur, Sultanpur
354Lesser white fronted GooseGoose
355Red breasted GooseGooseNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
356Snow GooseGooseAs pet in Bharatpur
364Black necked GrebeGrebe
365Great Crested GrebeGrebeSultanpur Fields
366Horned GrebeGrebeNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
367Little GrebeGrebeBharatpur
368Red necked GrebeGrebeNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
539MallardMallardEntire North India
549Common MerganserMerganser
550Red breasted MerganserMerganserNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
732Northern PintailPintailBharatpur, Okhla
764Baer's PochardPochard
765Common PochardPochardSultanpur Fields
766Ferruginous PochardPochardSultanpur Fields
767Red crested PochardPochardBharatpur
879Common ShelduckShelduck
880Ruddy ShelduckShelduckRanthombhor
887Northern ShovelerShovelerBharatpur, Okhla, Sultanpur
999Mute SwanSwanSwiss
1000Tundra SwanSwanNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
1001Whooper SwanSwanNot Resident, a Rare or accidental Visitor
1018Baikal TealTeal
1019Common TealTealBharatpur, Okhla, Sultanpur
1020Sunda TealTeal
1230Eurasian WigeonWigeonSultanpur Wetlands

ALBUM (Click on any to view the ambum)